New Year's Resolutions 2018
2018 Goal: Make it to next year. The famous and powerful divulge their hopes for the screaming infant that is 2018.
A Message of Peace
The following is a statement from the Editor which does not reflect the opinions of the Editor or any business or brand owned by the Editor.
FUNN TOWN'S: Spookalaganza
Only 11 days left until Horrorween! Do you have your costume yet? Lucky for you, Funn Town has all the latest cool duds for girls and boys.
Don't forget to ask a parent for permission before reading this article. Screw it! Just kick and scream to get what you want 'cause
BREAKING: Video of Teens Mocking Death of Australian Coral Goes Viral
Breaking News: Florida Teens stand idly by as 500,000-year-old sea architecture dies.
LGBT Month Factoids
June is LGBT Pride Month. How well do you know a gay? Read 30 rainbow-flavored factoids; one for each day of the month!