What's a Force Majeure, Daddy?
Forget the storm brewing from out the ocean. How about the storm brewing from out our own culture climate? Father Shmuck says if you wanna b

Big Deal, Another Disappointing Blowjob
Father Shmuck gives us breaking news from the eye of Irma. Yes, Irma is not the storm of the century as promised, but this is certainly the

Doubling-Down on a Triple-Threat
Is this a thing? I can't even. Father Shmuck examines how you do you and say dumb shit. Drain the swamp and leak the lizard 'cause i

Down Goes Fraziah...
Father Shmuck goes 12 rounds with show business. Since when did making money become such a sport?

Protest This! But, do it Stylin'.
Are you really wearing that to the picket line? Father Shmuck gives you the 'What's Hot and What's Not' for this season'

You are Being Watched...And, You're Not Even Naked
You might be watching that funny video of a cat dancing, but that dancing cat is watching you. Start packing, we're going off the grid a

Welcome to Wiener World!
Is it Eggplant Friday? Sausage Sunday? Man Meat Monday? No, it's just another wiener weekday that leaves everyone rolling their eyes...e

I Almost Canceled This Piece Coz of Jesus
Father Shmuck asks 'what do you mean?' But 'mark my words', 'life is worth living' 'as long as you love me',

Land of the Free, Home of the Shmuck
Father Shmuck reveals his list of Shmucks-of-the-week. Some are sittin' and spinnin', some are just spinnin'.

Abner, Don't Take the World so Serious
Time for the 7th Inning Yawn. Father Shmuck watched this year's lackluster All Star game and no one can ease his pain.